Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kids sure do eat a lot of sugar!

I went to Cinderella's Pre-K class for the morning. I was there to read a story (The Guest by George Marshall) and try not to cause too much trouble.

Now I'm a firm believer that life needs some sugar to counter all the bitterness in the world, but I have to say that the quantity of the sweet stuff being consumed by the future leaders of America was just a bit out of hand.

At breakfast (free for all), the choices include Frosted Flakes and French toast with corn syrup (would it be that hard to get real maple syrup here in New England?). Luckily, I send Cinderella off to pick out a book while I'm picking out her breakfast, but do we really need to be handing out Frosted Flakes? They also have stacks of chocolate milk that they hand out at lunchtime.

At snack time, all the kids eat something packed from home. Cinderella gets raisins, a whole wheat roll with butter or jam, a stick of string cheese, or some fresh fruit. I also pack her some milk to drink. One or two of the other kids had something along those lines. All the rest had fruit rollups, Rice Krispy Treats, cookies (!), and juice (otherwise known as liquid sugar).

I wasn't able to stick around for lunch or the afternoon snack, but I figure it was more along the same lines.

By my estimate, the little munchkins must have ingested about 2 cups of sugar and/or corn sweetener apiece.

And then we worry about why they're all bouncing off the walls?

Just saying...


Mike said...

I'm with you. There is having a sweet tooth and then there is just plain over abundance of sugar. Mine love it even as teenagers but I do as you do and give them less options to go down that road. More fruit in the house to choose from...

Heather said...

No real maple syrup?! That's an abomination. Seriously.

But yeah, I agree with you. Except about Chocolate Milk, but then, I'm addicted to the stuff.

Philip said...

Geez, you're tough. Can't you even let them have organic sugar?

Worried Dad said...

Mike: Cinderella loves grapes, apple slices, and clementines. I've found that the key is to not have the junk food lying around, or in the case of the school, as an option -- especially for 4 and 5 year olds.

Heather: It's crazy about the maple syrup. Don't they realize that this stuff actually does grow on (well in) trees?? And, again, the thing is we give her Ovaltine at home, and plenty of sweet treats (hey, you're only 4 once). But it's just frustrating when it's being shoved on them when you're not around. If I'm successful, though, all the kids will hate me because I'll be the guy who took away their chocolate milk.

Philip: That's a tough one. I think I could settle on organic, free-range Splenda.