Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zicam Blows Away Sense Of Smell

The FDA has just issued a warning about the homeopathic "remedy" Zicam nasal gel. Turns out, the purported cold remedy frequently permanently destroys one's sense of smell (the company has received at least 600 complaints so far). Given that someone with a stuffed up nose can't smell much anyway, losing one of the primary five senses doesn't seem like much of a benefit. Maybe they would have better luck advertising it as "relieving some of the side effects related to incontinence."

Normally, when the FDA issues one of these warnings, the company immediately implements a "voluntary" recall. But Zicam maker Matrixx (is this whole thing just a glitch in the Matrix?) is refusing to do so. I'm sure the fact that the company makes $40 million a year off of Zicam sales has nothing to do with it.

Since Zicam is sold as a homeopathic remedy, it didn't need FDA approval or safety testing to sell it. And it turns out that the FDA doesn't have the power to force a mandatory recall. The Bush administration had refused to give the agency this power saying it wasn't necessary. Folks in Obamaland appear to have a different approach. A bill to give the FDA this power is currently circulating in Congress.

In the meantime, try a hot shower, chicken soup, and plenty of rest.


Bijoux said...

Ha! I read about this in the WSJ last night and thought to myself, "I'll bet Worried Dad writes about this!"

Mike said...

Yeah I heard about it this weekend on NPR. My first thought was, sometimes it's good not to smell. Especially if your a new father and some really ripe diapers...